Except for his plant identification book, Know It & Grow It, his other books cover growing methods and maintenance, based on years of research projects. Learn what works, what doesn't, and why to save time and money for your nursery operation. Know It & Grow It and Plant Production in Containers are now offered in digital versions as well as print.
“Your book Plant Production in Containers was the most worthwhile book that I referenced/read/used during my career in the nursery industry. You explained complex concepts in an easy-to-understand manner and the illustrations made it simple. I still reference the barrel stave illustration when I talk about plant nutrients.”
--Richard Tankard. Tankard Nurseries
"This book, as well as anything by Carl Whitcomb is just so authoritative you can't take it all in at once. Everything in this book is researched based, not antidotal. He has changed horticulture forever, without getting near enough credit."
--Amazon customer review
"This is a classic text and excellent in every regard. Packed to the hilt with valuable information and data; Whitcomb is *the* pioneer of scientific container culture. And, at this price, an amazing bargain."
--Amazon customer review
(3rd Edition published 1996) 8.5 by 11 inch format, over 800 pages and 2000 black and white photos, weighs over 6 pounds. Not a pocket reference manual. Covers most of the plants that can be grown east of the Rocky Mts. and from the Gulf Coast to Canada. Each plant has several photos plus a map showing geographic area to which it is adapted. Both common name and scientific name index makes it especially easy to use. No line drawings and no botanical gibberish, blunt, and to the point.
Cost: $60.00 plus $22.00 shipping via UPS.
(Please add $8.00 shipping for each additional book.)
NOW available as an ebook!
2006, expanded 3rd edition. One of Whitcomb's how to grow books. Covers all factors in producing plants in the unique, man-made environment called a container, from propagating from seed or cuttings, to growth medium, nutrition, watering, weed control, and more. Over 460 pages, 8.5 by 11 format, hardback, many photos.
1. Propagation from Cuttings
2. Propagation from Seeds
3. Current Suggested Practices for Container Nurseries
4. The Unique Container
5. Container Designs that Work
6. Containers: Problems and Progress
7. Hybrid Systems and Large Containers
8. Growth Media
9. Plant Nutrition
10. Essential Nutrient Elements
11. Water, Water Management, and Slow Release Fertilizers
12. Other Nutrition al and Cultural Considerations
13. Heat, Cold, and Blow-Over
14. Light and Shading
15. Moving Plants in the Nursery
16. Water Quality
17. Irrigation Systems
18. Weed Control
19. Container Production Factors and Costs
20. Conducting Experiments
Cost: $69.00 plus $19.00 shipping via UPS
(Please add $8.00 shipping for each additional book.)
Now available as an ebook!
Plant Production in Containers II by Carl E. Whitcomb - Books on Google Play
This 3rd Edition of Whitcomb's landscape focused how to grow books (Published 2006) is in 8.5 by 11" format. Covers drainage, nutrition, and other factors dealing with both the planting and establishment and the long term care of landscape plants. 350 pages, hardback, many photos.
Cost: $59.00 plus $19.00 shipping via UPS.
1. Transplanting and Establishment
2. Methods of Plant Production
3. Holding Nursery Stock after Harvest
4. Root Pruning: Pros and Cons
5. The Planting Hole
6. Soil Amendments
7. Gypsum and Changes in Soil Structure
8. Establishment of Container-Grown Plants
9. Spring Vs. Fall Planting
10. The Restricted Planting Hole
11. Root Stimulators
12. Top Pruning at Planting
13. Mulches
14. Establishing Azaleas and other Sensitive Species
15. Transplanting with Tree Spades
16. Transplanting Large Trees
17. Staking Landscape Trees
18. Competition between Woody Plants and Grasses
19. Competition between Woody Plants and Ground Cover
20. Weed Control
21. Plants in Landscape Containers
22. Plant Nutrition, Soils, and Fertilizers
23. The Essential Nutrient Elements
24. Fertilizing Landscape Trees
25. Plant Stress and Landscape Problems
26. Solving the Iron Chlorosis Problem
27. Protecting Existing Trees
28. Cut, Fill, and other Grade Changes
29. Light, Shade, and Root Growth
30. The Effects of Drought Stress
31. Pruning
32. When Trees Compete with Turfgrass
(Please add $8.00 shipping for each additional book.)
(2nd Edition Published 2001) Covers all aspects of field production, including bare root, balled-in-burlap, pot-in-pot, knit fabric in-ground containers, pruning, and more. Over 700 pages,6 by 9 format, hardback, many photos.
Cost: $49.00 plus $19.00 shipping via UPS.
1. It's all about Energy
2. Methods of Plant Production
3. A Marriage of Nursery Practices
4. Root Development and Plant Health
5. Establishing Container Grown Plants in the Field
or Solving the Soil Mix/Soil Interface Problem
6. Growing Trees without Staking
7. Knit Fabric In-Ground Container or Grow Bags
8. RootBuilder® Containers and Holding Field Stock after Harvest
9. Hardening Plants after Harvest or How to Harvest During
the Growing Season
10. Pot-in-Pot Production
11. Plant Nutrition, Soils, and Fertilizers
12. The Essential Nutrient Elements: Function, Deficiency, and Toxicity
13. Improving Field Nursery Soils
14. Spring Vs. Fall Planting
15. Root Stimulators
16. Top Pruning at Planting
17. Root Pruning: Pros and Cons
18. Spacing and Pruning
19. Drip Irrigation
20. Weed Control
21. Tree-Intercrop Relationships in the Field
22. Transplanting with Tree Spades
23. Transplanting Large Trees
24. Harvesting Trees from the Wild
25. Truly Living Christmas Trees (vs. trees that were once alive)
26. Pest Control and Beating the Pathogens
27. Gypsum and Changes in Soil Structure
28. The Importance of Keeping Records
29. Best Management Practices for Container and Field Nurseries
(Please add $8.00 shipping for each additional book.)
Dr. Carl Whitcomb's autobiography. 190 pages. Cost $10 (includes shipping to most locations)
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